Our Application Rules
Each Application starts life with you submitting an application to the Trust . The application can either be submitted electronically or on paper .
If you submit an electronic form you will be expected to follow this up by supplying your documentary evidence . The electronic application process will guide you through the process of how to do this .
The application form can be downloaded from this page .
Upon receipt of the application if it has been completed correctly it will be allocated to the trusts visitor who will make arrangements to contact you and visit your home to assess the application .
If your application is incomplete it will be returned and can only be accepted once it is fully completed
Once the visitor has completed his visit your application will be placed before the next available trust meeting .
You will then be notified of the Trusts decision . If granted we will then make arrangements to action your award . If refused you will be informed and you will be free to make a further application to the trust in the future . There is no right of appeal against a trust refusal , such decisions are made in the trustees absolute discretion taking into account the application made , the visitors report and trust resourcing priorities .

More on our Criteria
- You must be a resident of the Doncaster Metropolitan Borough
- You must have approached all other statutory bodies for assistance
- You must provide a letter of support for each application from someone who can speak of your circumstances i.e
- health visitor , Gp , Probation Officer or Social Services
- Only one application can be accepted every 12 months except in exceptional circumstances
- Applications for essential items only will be accepted .
- Other charitable projects can only be considered if they will directly help doncaster residents
- All applications must be accompanied by written evidence
- All awards are made at the absolute discretion of the Trustees