About Us

About the JW Chapman Charitable Trust

The JW Chapman Earlsmere trust was created by the late JW Chapman who continued a life long investment in the people of Doncaster by leaving a substantial cash and property portfolio in his will to help those in need . This led to the creation of the trust which through its trustees can make grants to individuals in need along with worthy organisations or charities . 

The key proviso is that the awards made must benefit Doncaster residents 

Meet our People

Our People

The Trustees

The trust is governed by a Body of Trustees who regularly meet and make all trust decisions and approve all of our trusts awards . Our current trustees are :

  • Mark Hunter [ Chairman of the Trustees ] 
  • Lady Neill DL
  • Mr M G Gornall
  • Mr D G Kirk

Our Trustees are persons of High Standing in the Community who have been appointed to guide the work of the Charity , consider applications and ensure that the Trust meets its Community and Legal obligations .

Our Admin Team

Led by Sue Ackroyd this is the day to day face of the trust and if you are making applications then your first point of contact will be Sue . 

 in addition our Trust Visitor will be the person who comes to visit you to assess your application

All applicants will either have been visited or had contact with the Trust Visitor Peter Downie

The Trust is administered by Our Trust Secretary Rosemarie Sharp who is supported by our Administration Team .

The Trust also employs a number of expert services for example agents who manage our property portfolio and financial advisors who help us maximise the income and capital assets of the trust 

Our Trust Website is managed by corewebs and this includes our application process – if you have any technical issues with the website or application form please email them at Trust@corewebs.co.uk